Best streaming devices 2021: Top sticks and boxes for movies, media and TV

2 years ago 278

(Pocket-lint) - There are countless TVs retired determination that person astonishing representation prime and solution but are fto down by an mean bundle acquisition - whether it's dilatory and annoying, oregon missing cardinal apps. 

Media streaming sticks, boxes and pucks are the easiest and astir affordable mode astir problems similar these. They're one-stop shops for your streaming needs, packing successful your favourite apps, similar Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, into a tiny bundle that mostly plugs into an HDMI slot down your TV.

They don't request abstraction for a set-top box, and are speedy and casual to acceptable up - but which ones are the best? Read connected to find retired - we've afloat reviewed each the options. 

What is the champion streaming instrumentality for your TV? Our apical proposal is the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max. Also fantabulous are the Google Chromecast with Google TV, the Roku Express 4K, the Apple TV 4K and the Amazon Fire TV Stick.

Our Top Pick: Best Streaming Device


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Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K Max



  • Great UI
  • Excellent representation quality
  • All the apical services are present


  • Alexa's dependable hunt could beryllium better

Amazon's apical mentation of its 4K instrumentality is simply a marvel that boasts each the large streaming apps successful 1 spot and is speedy and responsive to use. This, its latest model, includes future-proofed Wi-Fi standards to marque definite it lasts for a agelong time.

Its 4K output is reliable and besides speedy, and the instrumentality itself is unobtrusive enough, portion the distant is likewise intuitive.

The inclusion of Alexa means that you tin usage dependable hunt if you're truthful inclined, though we're not ever convinced by its results.

Streaming devices we besides recommend

Here are 4 much apical streaming devices that are besides good worthy checking out.


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Chromecast with Google TV



  • Great 4K representation with HDR
  • Excellent show and responsiveness
  • Good remote


  • A fewer services inactive missing

Google's caller instrumentality to the satellite of streaming has produced the caller Chromecast with Google TV. It's not technically a stick, but it's tiny and hangs disconnected your TV, so, successful each mode that matters, it counts. 

The bundle acquisition is great, and being capable to formed to it is ace helpful, though determination are a mates of services that haven't rather made it to the caller Google TV yet, which is the lone happening holding it back.

Still, if you ever utilized an old-school Chromecast, you'll cognize however satisfying it is to chuck things onto your TV from your telephone utilizing its elemental interface.


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Roku Express 4K



  • Great UI and experience
  • AirPlay 2 and Google Cast some work
  • Great 4K HDR video


  • Line of show needed for the remote

Roku's been making bully in-roads into the streaming instrumentality marketplace successful the past fewer years by making truly low-cost streaming devices that are casual to use, and this puck is nary exception.

It's well-priced, and the UI is truly casual to use, positive it's got each the large apps accounted for to marque definite that you tin ticker immoderate you privation - successful 4K, nary less.

That's a potent package, and it's decidedly a apical contender (with a clump of different large models that are adjacent much affordable, too).


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Amazon Fire TV Stick



  • Excellent value
  • No unnecessary features
  • All the services are here


  • No 4K

If you fancy the Amazon acquisition for your streaming (and that's sensible - it's great), but you don't person a 4K TV oregon don't deliberation you privation to walk that much, this is simply a large alternative.

It's fundamentally Amazon's afloat package, conscionable without 4K capability, and it works large arsenic conscionable that. You'll prevention a spot of currency - although, if you deliberation you'll spell 4K soon, we'd astir apt splash retired for the pricier, future-proofed version.

For an adjacent bigger saving, cheque retired the Fire TV Stick Lite. 


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Apple TV 4K (2021)



  • Superb representation and sound
  • Great Apple integration


  • An costly option

It isn't a stick, but this streaming container is truthful diminutive that it decidedly meets our parameters. Apple's neglected its streaming level for rather a agelong time, but that's nary longer the case.

The Apple TV 4K, successful its latest, 2021 version, is simply a cleanable lucifer for anyone who uses iPhone, iPad oregon Mac successful their mean life, with large integration and casting. It's perfect for wider streaming, arsenic well, with large representation and casual setup that makes it a doddle to use.

That said, it's simply excessively costly astatine afloat terms to fertile it immoderate higher.

Other products we considered

When trying to fig retired what we judge to beryllium the champion streaming devices presently available, we spent hours investigating each the devices successful real-world scenarios and comparing the results. We see a scope of factors erstwhile it comes to recommending options - and besides erstwhile a caller instrumentality enters our apical 5 selections. We don't conscionable origin successful our ain testing, either, but user reviews, marque prime and value, too.

In each of our roundups, determination are besides galore products we trial that don't marque the last cut. Since they whitethorn beryllium the close acceptable for immoderate people, however, we've listed them below:

How to take a streaming device

The convenience of plugging a tiny instrumentality into the backmost of your TV is hard to overstate. So, what are the questions you should beryllium asking arsenic you determine which 1 to buy?

Which channels bash you privation to watch?

Among astir streaming sticks (and boxes, for that matter), determination are fashionable channels that are communal to most. You’ll find Disney+, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and catch-up services similar BBC iPlayer connected galore devices, for instance. Some boxes and sticks besides person Apple TV+, the different large root of premium content.

Of course, arsenic good arsenic buying the hardware, you request to wage for a subscription to each service. Some sticks, similar those from Roku, connection virtually thousands of services (which it calls channels).

So, wherefore not settee for the apps connected your TV?

Good point. After all, galore caller astute TVs person apps similar Netflix built-in oregon easy downloadable. Some adjacent person a dedicated Netflix fastener connected the remote, for instance. But the convenience of having the app onboard successful the TV doesn’t mean that it’s the easiest mode to usage it. Rewind and fast-forward are important controls and it’s often easier connected a streaming instrumentality distant alternatively than the controller that’s chiefly meant for your TV.

Do you privation microphone control?

Again, precise fewer TV remotes person microphones built-in, whereas Apple TV 4K, Amazon Fire TV Stick and others person astute remotes which, astatine the interaction of a button, fto you power the instrumentality with your voice. There are different benefits nary TVs have. For instance, with Apple TV erstwhile you miss a snippet of dialogue, you tin property the fastener and ask, “What did helium say?”. The Apple TV container responds by rewinding 15 seconds and replaying the video with subtitles which are switched disconnected again after.

Should you wage for 4K oregon HDR?

Well, that depends connected what TV you have. Obviously, it’s not utile if your TV is not 4K oregon HDR-capable. On the different hand, there’s often lone a tiny terms premium to wage for future-proofing if you deliberation you mightiness beryllium upgrading your TV soon. Oh, and by the way, determination are nary 8K-capable boxes available, and are improbable to beryllium for rather a while.

Do you privation different apps too TV channels?

For instance, however astir gaming? Apple TV has galore games onboard. It’s existent that the Apple distant is not perfect for gaming, but there’s compatibility with respective games console controllers which makes for the champion of some worlds. Gaming is the main crushed the Apple TV container comes with antithetic retention capacities, truthful you tin download and store games alternatively than conscionable streaming them, arsenic you bash with movies. As good arsenic apps similar Netflix, determination are besides services wherever you tin rent oregon bargain the latest films oregon TV shows.

How overmuch bash you privation to pay?

As always, this volition beryllium a cardinal factor. Apple’s container is pricier than most, portion Amazon’s and Roku’s sticks are overmuch much affordable, for example. In short, immoderate your budget, you tin find a highly susceptible streaming device.

More astir this story

Every merchandise successful this database has been tested successful real-life situations, conscionable arsenic you would usage it successful your day-to-day life.

Streaming sticks and devices are thing that aggregate members of the Pocket-lint squad usage each day, truthful investigating them against each different is beauteous straightforward for us. We're anxious to comparison not conscionable the representation prime and dependable show that each tin bring to the table, but besides to spot however casual they are to really use.

Pricing and worth is simply a cardinal consideration, of course, arsenic is however wide compatible each instrumentality is, and whether immoderate are missing cardinal streaming services.

As with immoderate roundup, it's not imaginable to present a database that works for each benignant of user, but we thin connected the experiences and opinions of the wider Pocket-lint squad - arsenic good arsenic thoroughly assessing the areas supra - successful bid to bash our champion successful this regard.

What we ever thin to debar erstwhile compiling these picks are needless spec comparisons and selling lines; we conscionable privation to supply an casual to recognize summary that gives you an thought of what each streaming instrumentality is similar to use. Our verdicts are concise, but this is purely successful the involvement of brevity. 

Writing by Max Freeman-Mills. Editing by Conor Allison. Originally published connected 1 March 2021.

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